Greater Beast (Beastmaster) Zelas Metallium (Slayers semi-Original)
Well, well, well! It's Zelas Metallium! Yes, Xelloss' boss in Slayers. One of my all-time favourite anime's! ^_^
About this pic first! .... I like this pic. ^_^ I like how I managed to draw Zelas, how he color came out, etc etc. Oh.... the evil of this picture too! ... She's licking the blood off Kuro Ky's hand (the blood, obviously coming from a wound which was SUPPOSED to be on K.Ky's wrist, but I was too lazy and made it the back of his hand! :P) . It was a pic drawn after an RP with Kuro Ky on Point of Focus MUCK. I know.. me and my vivid imagination. *LOL* But I like this pic.:) It's better than my first Zelas pic. o_o; A lot better.
I say semi-original because Zelas was only mentioned by Xelloss, but we don't get to see what she looks like. In fact, we only see her arm, her hair (in the Slayers Try opening) and ... her legs... and her chic cigarette on a holder (in the very last episode in Slayers Try). I heard that she was mentioned (and described/drawn) in the novels, but since I never read those .. (not that I don't want to! It's just thatI can't seem to get them :P) .... I will use my imagination from what little we see the anime. ^^;
If you're interested to see how I play her on the MUCK, drop over to my "MUCK/mu*/RPG" section. :)