Greater Beast (Beastmaster) Zelas Metallium (Slayers semi-Original)
Well, well, well! It's Zelas Metallium! Yes, Xelloss' boss in Slayers. One of my all-time favourite anime's! ^_^
I say semi-original because Zelas was only mentioned by Xelloss, but we don't get to see what she looks like. In fact, we only see her arm, her hair (in the Slayers Try opening) and ... her legs... and her chic cigarette on a holder (in the very last episode in Slayers Try). I heard that she was mentioned (and described/drawn) in the novels, but since I never read those .. (not that I don't want to! It's just thatI can't seem to get them :P) .... I will use my imagination from what little we see the anime. ^^;
Right. About this pic! .... I'm not ALL pleased with it, but I suppose it'll get a pass. :P ...Her neck's way too long and the color wasn't very well done. It was probably (I don't remember now ;p) a quick sketchy thing I did for my Zelas Metallium character for Point of Focus MUCK.
If you're interested to see how I play her on the MUCK, drop over to my "MUCK/mu*/RPG" section. :)