Class picture I drew for our class! ^_^

Ah.. F.6 .... it was probably the most eventful year I've had my entire life. It was a mixture of emotions really ... and like I said in my ICQ info then, I don't think I've cried as much all my life as I did in my single sixth form. Why? I'm not going to tell you here. :P

Well, some of the peepz do resemble their real-life look ... but of course, I'm not the perfect artist... so you can't really recognize some of the others. Try guessing who -I- am! :P

Btw... teachers, from left to right, top to bottom...

Mrs. I Wu (Biology), Mrs M. Cheung(English), Ms P Lee (Physics),
Mrs. T Tam (Chemistry - she's evil! :P), Mrs J Yu (Chinese), Ms I Chui (Gym)